About Digital Diasporas
In 2021 we launched the first iteration of the Digital Diasporas, a distributed, remote residency which gave artists the space to research, cultivate their practice, and convene across borders. Last year's residents Tian Zhang, Amy Lam, and Casey Tang inspired many generative conversations and long-lasting connections about colonialisms in multiple contexts, sustainability and equity in arts practices, and all the ways in which we (human, non-human, and ecological) coexist in all our relations.
Digital Diasporas was a spacious opportunity for artists to do deep thinking and form cross-border connections without the pressure of producing a final product. This year, we are excited to bring back this open call for a second iteration with an additional residency host in the United States.
This Digital Diasporas Global Residencies is jointly funded by the Australian Council for the Arts and the Canada Council for the Arts, and the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations.
What we are looking for
We want to hear from artists and curators who self-identify and find it useful to gather under a "Sino and/or Chinese diaspora" cohort. This is a time for research, exploration and learning. We are looking for openness to collective, intercultural and cross-border development and research.
We welcome experimental, digital, and/or research-based practices, and people who feel an alignment with and interest in any or all of the host organizations' networks and programming. We’re especially interested in ideas that explore diasporic cultures and spaces, flows of people, goods and capital, alternative community and kin-making, digital cultures, media arts, philosophies of technology and place-making—and any intersections of these.
You can find proposals of past residents, finalists, and special mentions here.
Who can apply
Everyone is encouraged to apply, especially if you have never applied to anything in the past. We are particularly interested in applications that resist and interrogate stereotypical or reactionary impulses, instead turning our gaze towards the difficult but necessary conversations, care, and solidarities we might build across borders.
Digital Diasporas will host:
• one person who self-identifies as Chinese and/or Sino diaspora in or from Australia (citizen or permanent resident)
• one person who self-identifies as Chinese and/or Sino diaspora in or from Canada (citizen or permanent resident)
• one person who self-identifies as Chinese and/or Sino, regardless of what passport they hold or where they reside
Click here for the application link!
Extended Deadline: Sunday, February 19, 2023
midnight in your timezone, wherever you are
About the residency and hosts
The remote, six-week-long online residency will be facilitated by three host organizations in May and June. Each resident or collective will primarily work with one host organization in Australia, Canada, or the United States and all residents as a cohort will be in dialogue with one another through convenings. Each resident or collective will be awarded an unrestricted stipend of AUD $10,000 for their participation (CAD $10,000 for the Gendai Resident). Each host organization will design a program of remote/online mentoring, networking, research and development for the resident they host. The host organizations are:
• 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art (Sydney, Australia / the ancestral lands of the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation)
• Gendai (Toronto, Canada / the ancestral territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples)
• Asian Arts Initiative (Philadelphia, USA / ancestral homelands of the Lenape peoples)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Send us any questions you have to hello@yaocollaborative.org and we'll add it to our FAQ!
“Am I part of the Chinese or Sino diaspora?” ie: am eligible if I am an adoptee / if I am not Han Chinese / if they have migrated away from China long ago / if only some of my ancestors are Chinese / etc.
Yes. As long as you self-identify as Chinese or of the Sino diaspora, you are eligible. We understand that "Chinese" is a continuously contested category and that there are vast geographical, linguistic, ethnic, religious, class, and ideological differences under this unwieldy umbrella. We do not expect nor desire applicants to be representative of all Chinese (or any other ethnicity or nationality of) people but rather we are looking for applicants who approach their work in specific ways and could benefit from engaging with others who also identify as Chinese/Sino diaspora.
“Am I eligible if I am undocumented in my country of residence?"
Yes. We are using an honor system and will not ask for people's documentation in order to apply or be eligible for the residency.
“Our collective includes members from Australia, Canada, China and elsewhere, can we apply?"
Yes. Collectives just need to have at least one member who meets one of the criteria.
“Do I need to find collaborators from other countries in order to submit an application?"
No. In fact, our hope is to help you find new collaborators through this residency!
“What outcome are you expecting?"
This is an open ended project that does not need to culminate in a final “work.” Digital Diasporas is a gift of time, virtual space, and support to think and connect.
“Can I apply as a collective?"
We originally offered this residency as an opportunity for individuals and collectives, however, because we cannot increase the stipend for collectives we have decided to just accept individuals this year. Individuals who are part of a collective are certainly welcome to apply.
“Is this residency medium specific?"
No, artists of all mediums may apply. This includes artists who work with performance art, visual art, digital art, and any other kind of artistic practice.
“Do I need to provide a website for the application?"
No, we are open to receiving applications in whichever way is easiest for the applicant. There is a section on the form where the applicant should provide information about how to access their work, for example a password or instructions. We recommend sharing a Google Drive or Drop Box. Please remember to allow viewing access.
“How will you provide communication equity during this digital residency?"
This residency is co-designed between the artist and the residency host. There is a lot of flexibility in how the two parties can communicate digitally. We have a budget set aside specifically for accommodations, which could include providing sign language interpretation, tech support, captioning, scheduled breaks away from the computer, etc. We will work with the residency hosts before and after resident selection to make sure accommodations are respected and upheld with care. We encourage applicants to put accommodations requests in the application. No one will be turned away because of a request, it just helps us plan and begin a conversations about needs that we have not anticipated yet.
2021年,我们启动了第一届“联网离散”项目,这是一个分布式的线上驻留项目,旨在为艺术家提供一个对创作进行调研和提升的机会,同时不受国界限制地与其他参与者进行交流。去年参加驻留的艺术家包括了Amy Lam、Tian Zhang和Casey Tang。他们就许多话题展开了工作和精彩的讨论,其中包括了多种背景下的殖民主义、艺术实践的可持续性和公平性,以及我们(人类、非人类和生态)在所有关系中共存的方式。这个过程中激发了很多衍生的讨论与思考,也促成了很多超越驻地的友情和连结。
• 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art (Sydney, Australia / the ancestral lands of the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation)
• Gendai (Toronto, Canada / the ancestral territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples)
• Asian Arts Initiative (Philadelphia, USA / ancestral homelands of the Lenape peoples)

“我算中国离散人群的一员吗” 或者:被领养的人可以申请吗?/我从没去过中国/ 我不是汉族/ 我很久之前就搬离中国/ 我的祖先只有一部分是中国人/ 等等
如果你有其他问题,请发送电子邮件至 hello@yaocollaborative.org。